Name............. Eric Schwartz Productions - CD Archive
Publisher........  Fred Fish 
Price............ $24.95 or DM 44,95 (suggested list price)
                  NORWAY: 199kr 
CDROMs........... 1
Used Space....... 188 Mb
Language......... English
Bootable......... Information not available.
Filesystem....... ISO 9660-2
Requirements..... The animations require 1-8 MB memory
                  (15Khz monitor and 6+ Mb RAM strongly recommended)

Usable Software..

                  Amiga KS1.3+ ............. Information not available.
                  Amiga KS2.1+ ............. Information not available.
                  Amiga KS3.0+ ............. Information not available.
                  Amiga KS3.0+ AGA ......... Information not available.
                  IBM PC WIN3.1 ............ Information not available.

Release Date..... 1995

                  Animations......... 62 Mb
                            All previous released Animations by Eric
                            Schwartz ( Coyote_2 and pogo are hidden in
                            animations/es_productions/h/b/morehidden/ )
                             * Phligt of the Artist
                             * Snowbound
                             * Superbfrog
                             * Redshetland ( hidden in animations/
                                            es_productions/h/c/hidden/ )
                  3D files............900 Kb
                  Artists............. 21 Mb
                            Pictures and animations by Lez Dietz and Mark
                  Icons...............215 Kb
                  Pictures............ 28 Mb
                            Pictures of Erics caracters in different 
                            file formats and colour dephts
                  Useful.............. 24 Mb
                            Animations and picture tools for different
                            computer platforms, AMIGA: 5.4 Mb

Access Software.. None, but all software can be directly used from the CD

Comments......... Most animations use the Movieplayer program which
                  does not support other screenmodes than PAL and NTSC
                  properly, so your monitor should support these modes.

Testers Opinion.. "There is not much, that I can say about the 
                  artwork: It's *AWESOME* !! [...] This CD is a definitve MUST 
                  for furry fans, amiga users, and cartoon addicts. Those 
                  who manage to cope with the technical difficulties will
                  be highly rewarded by the brilliant quality of Eric's work.
                  [...] At sometimes, I was just rolling on the floor laughing 
                  watching the cartoons."   Sven Tegethoff (

                  "Certainly one of the best CDs on the market, the ES 
                  Productions CD-Archive is an absolute must for Erics
                  fans. Both the pictures and the animations must are guaranteed
                  to keep you laughing for hours and even if you are a 
                  collector of Erics works you will find massive ammounts
                  of until now unreleased stuff, you certainly haven't seen
                  yet. The quality of the new animations and pictures is 
                  absolutely stunning, far beyond the previous works
                  Eric released, eg. some of the Anims do now use full
                  body animation, and most of the new pictures use 256 or
                  more colours."                      (Josef Wollersberger)

Keywords......... Animations, pictures

Sources..........  Anders Bakkevold 
                  Josef Wollersberger

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